Research shows that Diets fail because they fail in setting the fullness trigger in the brain. Also that people feel they need will power, this begins a struggle in the mind between wants, and desires, the diet then becomes a battle which cannot be sustained long term. This is why people quit either before or even after they have reached their goal. It is the behaviours around food that made them put on the weight, some see it as lack of willpower.
The Virtual Gastric Band ends that struggle and battle, the program audio's and processes re set the fullness trigger in the brain and enables a pathway of least resistance so there is no need for will power.
Not only that the body and mind are connected, so what generally happens when people go on a diet is that they begin to get attracted to the things they feel they should not be eating. Deprivation of this kind or starving by lowering calorie intake that way leads to greater compulsions and obsessions and heightens emotional triggers.
The Virtual Gastric Band reconditions the mind, in that your thoughts and behaviours begin to change. Compulsions, obsessions and cravings begin to dissipate, if there is a route issue or triggers Denise will utilise NLP in the sessions to overcome any obstacle in the way of your weight loss goals. There is no need for willpower. The Virtual Gastric Band offers a pathway of least resistance.
The Virtual Gastric Band ends that struggle and battle, the program audio's and processes re set the fullness trigger in the brain and enables a pathway of least resistance so there is no need for will power.
Not only that the body and mind are connected, so what generally happens when people go on a diet is that they begin to get attracted to the things they feel they should not be eating. Deprivation of this kind or starving by lowering calorie intake that way leads to greater compulsions and obsessions and heightens emotional triggers.
The Virtual Gastric Band reconditions the mind, in that your thoughts and behaviours begin to change. Compulsions, obsessions and cravings begin to dissipate, if there is a route issue or triggers Denise will utilise NLP in the sessions to overcome any obstacle in the way of your weight loss goals. There is no need for willpower. The Virtual Gastric Band offers a pathway of least resistance.
The study paper on actual diets above in blue outlined the costs with a summary of success in that only 60% could keep to the diet until the participant reached their weight loss goal, others gave up the diet once their goal was reached, the paper also had an important summary note as follows:
"there is no doubt that these diets will help you to achieve weight reduction goals, However, it is to be noted that many of the diet products contain weight reducing chemicals which when ceased will result in the participant gaining all the weight within a 4 month period."
"there is no doubt that these diets will help you to achieve weight reduction goals, However, it is to be noted that many of the diet products contain weight reducing chemicals which when ceased will result in the participant gaining all the weight within a 4 month period."
There is an alternative
The Virtual/Non surgical Gastric Band
The Virtual/Non surgical Gastric Band

The Non Surgical Virtual band Audio's change the way you respond to food and the special session of The Virtual Band installation will make you to feel full. Portion sizes reduce, you never feel hungry. Eating less and not eating between meals, helps to melt those excess kilos away. A smaller stomach means smaller portion sizes, smaller portions help you burn off the excess weight stored on the body.
The Non Surgical Virtual Gastric Band offers you the opportunity to keep a healthy lifestyle, without changing your life, there is no making special meals or partaking in chemically enhanced products, it is a program without pills, or counting calories instead you will eat in a more naturally and healthy way and in moderation. There is no deprivation in that you can eat whatever it is you want and you will find that your desires and tastes will change and helping you to reduce your weight.
The Non Surgical Virtual Gastric Band offers you the opportunity to keep a healthy lifestyle, without changing your life, there is no making special meals or partaking in chemically enhanced products, it is a program without pills, or counting calories instead you will eat in a more naturally and healthy way and in moderation. There is no deprivation in that you can eat whatever it is you want and you will find that your desires and tastes will change and helping you to reduce your weight.
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