The attitude at Christmas is that you have permission to over indulge and then you will be fighting the battle of the bulge in the New Year.
Even though Christmas is one day the celebrations over a week can add massive kilos and thwart all your possible good work in managing your weight. You think I’ll get it off after Christmas and this is why a lot of people have a New Year’s resolution to lose weight.
Rather than have to find the cure, PREVENTION is definitely the best way to approach the silly season when it comes to enjoying yourself in moderation.
Know that all excess goodies will lead to excess weight so do not fool yourself!
1. Never arrive HUNGRY
And do not stop yourself from eating knowing you are going somewhere to have food. Being too hungry will lead to over eating so fill up on water before you start or have a little something even a teaspoon of peanut butter or a couple of spoonfuls of yoghurt just to sustain you so that you have better control later.
2. Focus on FUN not FOOD
Do not look at the party you are going to as an eating event instead have the attitude that meeting the people and having fun is better than the food. Create your expectation around fun not eating and while you are there, focus on the social conversations and activities rather than the food.
3. Say NO to PICKING
Don’t just pick if it is a buffet style event. Get yourself a plate. Research shows that in an environment whereby you just keep picking at food you will consume up to 70% MORE than you need.
4. COUNT each piece
Count what you are eating. If it’s cocktail nibbles or Canapas then keep a toothpick for every one you eat. This way it is easy to calculate just how much is going in. If not, just keep a running tally so you don’t over indulge.
5. CHOOSE the smallest plate available
If it is a buffet meal, then chose the smallest plate and do not stack your food. Limit your helpings and stay attentive to your stomach and if you are not hungry, STOP go and have a drink of water.
6. LIMIT your Alcohol
Remember that calories are not just eaten they are consumed in massive amount by what you are drinking. By drinking too much you will begin to overeat too as the alcohol turns to sugar and then makes you more hungry, it also stops you from feeling full, this leads to vomiting and feeling pretty miserable for at least a couple of days later.
7. Be SELECTIVE when it comes to treats or sweets
If you know that you are the type of person who cannot stop at one bite then you are better off taking a small portion of dessert rather than piling your plate up with several treats. Plan to pick just one, make it small and savour it.
8. TAKE your own food or treats
Having control over your own chosen treats can help you get away from eating high fat alternatives. People love fruit so take your own fruit platter and you could take your own healthy bliss balls that are not processed which may enable you to just stick to eating your own helathy options without feeling deprived.
9. STOP picking and tasting while you cook
If you are doing the catering STOP PICKING and TASTING while you are cooking, this will stop you from consuming a full calorific meal before you plate or put food out for your guests.
See if you can demonstrate control and dare yourself not to taste until the food is out. Go on I dare YOU! And remember if you are not hungry then don’t eat.
10. Get OFF the couch
After you have eaten, plan to go for a walk or do some sort of exercise to get off the couch. Going for a long walk after a meal will not just benefit you physically it will also put you into a different mindset and puts you in control.
NEW YEARS RESOLUTION: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdOfG4TiYwM
Do you want to release the excess weight you are carrying?
Watch the video and email me on [email protected]
I would love to introduce you to a way to get those kilos off and keep them off - change your life and health.
I have helped hundreds of people just like you release their excess weight without dieting … instead eat the food you love and get slim.
Visit www.newyou.net.nz to learn more.
Even though Christmas is one day the celebrations over a week can add massive kilos and thwart all your possible good work in managing your weight. You think I’ll get it off after Christmas and this is why a lot of people have a New Year’s resolution to lose weight.
Rather than have to find the cure, PREVENTION is definitely the best way to approach the silly season when it comes to enjoying yourself in moderation.
Know that all excess goodies will lead to excess weight so do not fool yourself!
1. Never arrive HUNGRY
And do not stop yourself from eating knowing you are going somewhere to have food. Being too hungry will lead to over eating so fill up on water before you start or have a little something even a teaspoon of peanut butter or a couple of spoonfuls of yoghurt just to sustain you so that you have better control later.
2. Focus on FUN not FOOD
Do not look at the party you are going to as an eating event instead have the attitude that meeting the people and having fun is better than the food. Create your expectation around fun not eating and while you are there, focus on the social conversations and activities rather than the food.
3. Say NO to PICKING
Don’t just pick if it is a buffet style event. Get yourself a plate. Research shows that in an environment whereby you just keep picking at food you will consume up to 70% MORE than you need.
4. COUNT each piece
Count what you are eating. If it’s cocktail nibbles or Canapas then keep a toothpick for every one you eat. This way it is easy to calculate just how much is going in. If not, just keep a running tally so you don’t over indulge.
5. CHOOSE the smallest plate available
If it is a buffet meal, then chose the smallest plate and do not stack your food. Limit your helpings and stay attentive to your stomach and if you are not hungry, STOP go and have a drink of water.
6. LIMIT your Alcohol
Remember that calories are not just eaten they are consumed in massive amount by what you are drinking. By drinking too much you will begin to overeat too as the alcohol turns to sugar and then makes you more hungry, it also stops you from feeling full, this leads to vomiting and feeling pretty miserable for at least a couple of days later.
7. Be SELECTIVE when it comes to treats or sweets
If you know that you are the type of person who cannot stop at one bite then you are better off taking a small portion of dessert rather than piling your plate up with several treats. Plan to pick just one, make it small and savour it.
8. TAKE your own food or treats
Having control over your own chosen treats can help you get away from eating high fat alternatives. People love fruit so take your own fruit platter and you could take your own healthy bliss balls that are not processed which may enable you to just stick to eating your own helathy options without feeling deprived.
9. STOP picking and tasting while you cook
If you are doing the catering STOP PICKING and TASTING while you are cooking, this will stop you from consuming a full calorific meal before you plate or put food out for your guests.
See if you can demonstrate control and dare yourself not to taste until the food is out. Go on I dare YOU! And remember if you are not hungry then don’t eat.
10. Get OFF the couch
After you have eaten, plan to go for a walk or do some sort of exercise to get off the couch. Going for a long walk after a meal will not just benefit you physically it will also put you into a different mindset and puts you in control.
NEW YEARS RESOLUTION: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdOfG4TiYwM
Do you want to release the excess weight you are carrying?
Watch the video and email me on [email protected]
I would love to introduce you to a way to get those kilos off and keep them off - change your life and health.
I have helped hundreds of people just like you release their excess weight without dieting … instead eat the food you love and get slim.
Visit www.newyou.net.nz to learn more.